Tag Archives: Kodak

Single use Noir – Kodak Tri-X (400TX) disposable Review

For years Kodak have kept it simple when it came to disposables with your choice of either disposable legend that is the FunSaver and the much lesser waterproof model. But in recent years there’s been a burst of disposables. So lets meet their B&W film version the Kodak Tri-X disposable which is confusingly also known as the Kodak Professional Tri-X or the 400TX

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Half pint class with a Glass – Kodak Ektar H35N

Another month another premium Half-Frame. Reto are back with a updated version of arguably the most talked about film camera of 2022. But does the Ektar H35N live up to the hype of it Predecessor ? Nope – it smashes it . Arguably the best Plastic fantastic both half or full frame in years. So I decided to take it to Helsinki.

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Half Full or Half Empty ? – Kodak Ektar H35 Review

2022 felt like Reto’s year. The plucky HK based disrupters had garnered huge praise for their relaunch of the VUWS. But then the pulled a blindside we never expected. Half frame and in Kodak clothes. The Kodak Ektar H35.

And in the summer of ’22 the web lost it’s sh*t for this camera with vlogs and blogs a plenty. But does it really live up to hype ?

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Elemental Decision- Kodak M35 Review

I’m Sorry I goofed about this one. The M35 launched in a variety of funky colours in 2019. A simple single element plastic camera I kinda missed it at the time. I assumed it was just another version of the Harman reloadable my least favourite reusable disposable. Turns out I was wrong. This and it’s twin the M38 are a cut above the reloadables and may now be the best value model in it’s class.

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Brace Yerself – The Kodak Brownie Cresta II Review

I’d been strangely unsatisfied with the Cresta 3, the third of Kodak UK’s Bakelite Brownies for 120 film. But could its glass lens predecessor be a better choice ? It is but you all need to brace youselves in more ways than one.

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A Very British Affair – Kodak Colorsnap 35 Review

Kodak’s British arm was more than a mere sales outlet for George Eastman’s company. The company made its own cameras, not just British versions of the parent company. The Colorsnap cameras are to my knowledge, the only 35mm cameras the UK branch solely made. But are they worth your time ?

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A VUWS with Flash ? – The Curious Tale of the Kodak KV250

So this is a review of a Kodak camera then ?

Well not quite. This was never sold by Kodak, the name here has just been licenced by Vivitar. Its actually just a Vivitar T201 Lx under the hood a camera that has a cult following. But is that deserved ?

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It’s Not 120mm Film !!! But it hasn’t always been 120 film either !

Look – it is an easy mistake to make and trust me no one should be given a hard time for doing so (Although it does get a bit funny when the likes of Adorama sell 120mm film). But to be clear 120 film is not 120mm film.

But then again 120 film hasn’t always been called 120 film. In fact if you tried to buy 120 film in the early 1900’s no one would know what you were talking about.

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A Very British Mistake – The Kodak Brownie Cresta 3 Review

Weirdly this camera sums up a lot of the UK’s current political & economic situation. A rehashed plastic version of a 1950’s British number pushed out by a global corporation that misses the zeitgeist and lags behind it’s European counterparts. But hey it’s British made and we might be able to sell it to the Yanks.,,,

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