A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 8 – DIY Computer project 1975

1975 was a momentous year on many levels. The war ended in Vietnam, the Suez Canal re opened, Watergate hit the headlines and Britain voted to join the EU as just a few key events. Bowie was in full major Tom mode and Jaws made folk not want to go in the water for the first time. Technology leapt forward too and it would herald in the digital camera. But that might not be in the way you think. Let’s meet the Cyclops Continue reading A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 8 – DIY Computer project 1975

A Brief History Of Photography By Objects – 7 – The Edison Kinetoscope 1893

The Kinetoscope seems initially an odd choice.  This early motion picture viewer was not the first to  device to show moving pictures. However it’s development would help drive the founding of the motion picture industry and set standards that are still used in the movies and still photography. But it’s also a story of intrigue, a Scotsman and possible murder…. Continue reading A Brief History Of Photography By Objects – 7 – The Edison Kinetoscope 1893

A brief History of Photography by Objects – 6 – Oil Painting late 1700’s

Our subject today is probably better known to folk in the UK for his surname which used to be found on branches of opticians. But John Dollond not only founded company that would be part of the fabric of the UK until it sadly disappeared a few years ago but he was also canny businessman who managed to  get the credit (and profits) for an important lens design. But was he the first and why did this lead to legal action and a family feud ? Continue reading A brief History of Photography by Objects – 6 – Oil Painting late 1700’s


This month we run with changes over at Flickr and the release of Warhol’s photo collection online. We’ll also sign up with the RVS for some wartime shots and look at when to use Kodak’s finest. And someone sticks an intax on a drone and your chance to share and give. Continue reading THE READING ROOM – NEWS & THINGS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED (WEEK 14: 26TH OCT-1ST NOV )

A brief History of Photography by Objects – 5 – Photograph of Newborn Baby 1997

This pixelated photograph from an early consumer digital camera might seem an  odd inclusion. Babies have been stable subjects for photographs from the days of the Daguerreotype. By 1997 although not fully mainstream, digital cameras were starting to gain a foothold and this won’t have been the first digital photo of a baby by a long shot. But Time rightly recognised this as one of the most influential photographs ever taken. Continue reading A brief History of Photography by Objects – 5 – Photograph of Newborn Baby 1997