I’ve decided to set myself a wee challenge this year and buy a camera a month for the price of a Roll of film or less from my favourite discount film supplier (hence the Poundland challenge). Although the first camera to arrive is the Halina Speedy 33 shown below I’ve actually been able to get one of the last Olympus film compacts for 99p as well and just missed out on a Classic Mamiya 4b rangefinder from the 60’s (knocked out by £1.20 with 4 seconds to go)
Monthly Archives: February 2015
Halina Autoflash 35 Review : Farewell my Flimsy Friend
This weekend my Halina Autoflash 35 gave up the ghost. I’ve only shot a roll or 2 through it but have a sense of how this rather flimsy zone focus with compact flash worked.

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Agfa Isoly III Review : 4×4 classic
The Isoly series is probably best known for the humble Isoly I, the camera that launched a 1000 Diana clones. But the series also feature a range of other models including the top of the range Isoly III which makes for a rather good 120 P&S

Lomography Fisheye One Review – Bon voyage my sticky out pal
A need to trim down my cameras this year saw my Fisheye One go. But did this plastic beast with a 170º angle of view live up to its price tag ?

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Olympus XA1 Review – Blacksheep done good
The XA1 is often rated as the runt of the XA series litter by XA officandos. But this little overlooked number can still deliver despite it’s limitations and can surprise.

Halina Panorama Review : No Frills Plastic-O-Rama
Plastic Trash cam or sheer Genius ?
Both are descriptions I’ve heard about the Halina Panorama also better known in the US as the Ansco Pix Panorama . But where does the truth lie with this no frills Shooter.

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Halina Super 35X Review : Superstar or Hasbeen ?
The 35X is perhaps the model that most folk remember when the word Halina is muttered. That Leica look-a-like is perhaps the best known of Haking’s creations but the Super 35X refines the mechanics and gave rise to a more unique style.

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Barclaycard Visa Camera Review – I shouldn’t like this but….
The Barclaycard Visa Camera was a freebie camera that has the infamous optical color lens moniker. A true plastic trashcam which is now worryingly brittle. But there is something endearing about this lump of plastic toy camera,

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BelOMO Vilia Review : Black in the USSR
The Vilia is yet another fully manual shooter from the later years of the soviet union from MMZ-BelOMO in Belarus. Unlike its obvious soviet rivals the camera styling is more akin to Japanese compacts of the era. But how does it measure up compared to its rivals like the Smena Symbol ?