So the Last pigs in blanket has been scoffed and my port bottle has been running dry. So it feels like time to look back over 2024 from a film and lo fi digital point of view. We’ve court battles, new gear a plenty and Gen Z nicking all the budget digicams. As well as an unhealthy obsession with 2:1 cameras. Oh and we’ve my annual awards and predictions.
Continue reading 2024 – The year in photographyCategory Archives: Other Stuff
Using Optical filters with a Paper Shoot
In a Facebook group I’m in, someone asked what size of filters a Paper Shoot (PS) takes. Truth be told there’s little info on that. But in fact the current cases take a 26mm filter thread.
Continue reading Using Optical filters with a Paper ShootCappy Camera is canned
Last night I got an email from shopify, informing me my Cappy Camera order had been cancelled. It was no glitch. Cappy cameras is no more bringing to end a rather sorry saga in the lo-fi digital community
Continue reading Cappy Camera is cannedA Brief History of Photography by Objects – 16 – Colour print Of Agen, France Printed ~1950’s
You might be wondering what a run of the mill colour photo is doing here. A photo from a time when colour photography was well established. But this print was made from a the negatives used to make a colour print in 1877 ! But involves a Journey involving a Scotsman, Lots of Frenchmen, a Swiss Badass painter, Murderous Highwaymen, an abandoned wife and a dubious preacher
Continue reading A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 16 – Colour print Of Agen, France Printed ~1950’sThe New Vintage – Meet the Camp Snap 1.03B
In my recent group test of lo-fi digital which the older 1.01 Camp Snap won, I did point out there was newer improved model and that I could have shot with a vintage filter firmware. Literally a week after getting home my new Camp Snap 1.03B turned up and was interestingly preloaded with the vintage film firmware. So time to uncork and sample.
Continue reading The New Vintage – Meet the Camp Snap 1.03BPaper shoot out – Big trouble in Paper Shoot land
Most of you will have heard of the Paper Shoot. Arguable the most successful Lo-Fi Digital brand of the last decade. But there been a big falling out in the land of the eco-friendly, swappable covers. Which has been a tad messy and led to a potential new camera. Time to spill the beans
Continue reading Paper shoot out – Big trouble in Paper Shoot landJust how much should a new camera cost ?
So Pentax gave us their first film camera in around 2 decades. Whilst there has been much rejoicing. There has also been quite a lot of moaning – much of which has to do with the price of the Pentax 17. And one suspects the same comment will come with the Rollei 35AF
But is that a fair comment or wishful thinking ?
Continue reading Just how much should a new camera cost ?Reload and replay – Reloaded Ilfocolor Rapid Half Frame single use results
I was pleasantly surprised by Ilford Imaging’s half frame single use. But when I reviewed it I hadn’t finish a roll I shot in the reloaded Ilfocolor. But I have now, Ironically using Ilford Photo (aka Harman) B&W film. Here’s the results.
Continue reading Reload and replay – Reloaded Ilfocolor Rapid Half Frame single use resultsA Brief History Of Photography By Objects -15- Photograph of a Prince, 1869
You’re probably wondering why a photograph of a minor member of the Victorian British royal family features here. Prince Arthur was captured using by then well established photography techniques. Nor was Arthur a photographic innovator. But it is what the image was then used for. A revolution in print & news coverage.
Continue reading A Brief History Of Photography By Objects -15- Photograph of a Prince, 1869Copying is not flattery. Why does Photography Newspaper keep copying other websites without permission rather than write their own stuff ?
I was altered by a fellow blogger that my posts were being scalped and posted as original content by a website called Photography Newspaper. This happens for time to time and pretty quickly these sites disappear but it’s annoying to see your content used without permission. So how did I fight back ?
Continue reading Copying is not flattery. Why does Photography Newspaper keep copying other websites without permission rather than write their own stuff ?