Category Archives: Other Stuff

Just how much should a new camera cost ?

So Pentax gave us their first film camera in around 2 decades. Whilst there has been much rejoicing. There has also been quite a lot of moaning – much of which has to do with the price of the Pentax 17. And one suspects the same comment will come with the Rollei 35AF

But is that a fair comment or wishful thinking ?

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Reload and replay – Reloaded Ilfocolor Rapid Half Frame single use results

I was pleasantly surprised by Ilford Imaging’s half frame single use. But when I reviewed it I hadn’t finish a roll I shot in the reloaded Ilfocolor. But I have now, Ironically using Ilford Photo (aka Harman) B&W film. Here’s the results.

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A Brief History Of Photography By Objects -15- Photograph of a Prince, 1869

You’re probably wondering why a photograph of a minor member of the Victorian British royal family features here. Prince Arthur was captured using by then well established photography techniques. Nor was Arthur a photographic innovator. But it is what the image was then used for. A revolution in print & news coverage.

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Copying is not flattery. Why does Photography Newspaper keep copying other websites without permission rather than write their own stuff ?

I was altered by a fellow blogger that my posts were being scalped and posted as original content by a website called Photography Newspaper. This happens for time to time and pretty quickly these sites disappear but it’s annoying to see your content used without permission. So how did I fight back ?

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2023 – The year of Giants, Trump’s arrest & My son painted this – or was it just A.I. ?

In Early September 2023 an image started to appear on Facebook, X and other social media. A tin type photograph that appeared to show an approximately 8 meter tall human in what was claimed to be Kandahar. It spread like wildfire amongst social media group focused on theories of ancient giants. Trouble is it wasn’t real. It would be joined by other AI images of Former Presidents, wars and Kids holding paintings.

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2023 – The Year in Photography

As Mariah is being put back into cryo sleep the cave and the staff party hangover still hurts, let’s have a light hearted look back at the last 12 months in photography land and the gear I’ve tried

As ever we’ll start with the news, discuss what I though was good (and bad) this year and then my predictions

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A Brief history of Photography by Objects – 14- Polaroid of a Computer Screen 1959

Our object today is not the actual polaroid. It what was captured on a piece of equipment. A piece of equipment that thankfully never saw its intended use. That screen was developed for a nuclear exchange that could have ended the world. And whilst its link to photography isn’t initially obvious. It represents the first step in a path that would lead to a new art form. And rather than the Russians taking over it now might be the machines

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2022 The Year In Film & Vintage Digital

As we stagger into an uncertain 2023, last year turned out to be an interesting one for the photographer. With more juicy surprises than Prince Harry’s memoir there was a lot going on. Here’s my take

We’ve got new film cameras galore, film surprises and shortages and even the Boss turns up. Come on in.

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The Rise of The Machines – Is A.I. challenging Photography ?

The Colorado State Fair hit global news last month. It wasn’t because of some weird animal or corndog incident. It was down the very concept of what we call art. That’s because an Artificial intelligence (A.I.) created artwork walked away with first prize in the Digital Arts segment of the Fine Arts competition. this has led to a lot of outrage and navel gazing in the digital Arts world.

And turns out A.I can do photos now too. But should we worry too ?

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