Category Archives: A Brief History of Photography in Objects

A Brief History Of Photography By Objects -15- Photograph of a Prince, 1869

You’re probably wondering why a photograph of a minor member of the Victorian British royal family features here. Prince Arthur was captured using by then well established photography techniques. Nor was Arthur a photographic innovator. But it is what the image was then used for. A revolution in print & news coverage.

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A Brief history of Photography by Objects – 14- Polaroid of a Computer Screen 1959

Our object today is not the actual polaroid. It what was captured on a piece of equipment. A piece of equipment that thankfully never saw its intended use. That screen was developed for a nuclear exchange that could have ended the world. And whilst its link to photography isn’t initially obvious. It represents the first step in a path that would lead to a new art form. And rather than the Russians taking over it now might be the machines

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A Brief History Of Photography By Objects – 13 – Google Street View Image- 2020

Although Street view arguably merits a place on this list. Our focus today is the building shown. Sadly by Mid 2021, it is no longer in existence. But it in many ways changed the photography world just like street view has over 130 years later. And that’s down to one man John Carbutt.

This is the birthplace of consumer photographic media which started the process of moving photography from the preserve of the professional, wealthy and chemically minded to the average person.

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A Brief History of Photography By Objects – 12 – Fishing Rod Reel ~1860

Our item today doesn’t appear to have an immediate link to photography. But this represents the first steps in a process that would radically alter how we could make objects. That process would also revolutionise photography putting it in mass reach for the first time. It also allowed for the birth of the motion picture industry. But how our fishing reel leads to that involves transatlantic discoveries, legal disputes and exploding Billiard Balls.

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A Brief History Of Photography By Objects – 11 – Photograph Of An English Gentleman – 1860’s

Two for the price of one this time. Before the 1860’s Photography whilst not new was still in it’s infancy. It could be pricey to get your photo taken . But the simple concept behind this image was going to change that. It not only usher in cheap studio prints but also led to the so called cardomania craze.

But without the man in the picture, photography might not have come into existence.

Continue reading A Brief History Of Photography By Objects – 11 – Photograph Of An English Gentleman – 1860’s

A Brief History of Photography By Objects – 10 – Engraving Of a Device For showing Drawings Mid 1800’s

Our object seems to have little to do with photography at first glance. It predates photography’s first public demonstrations, but would move photography from two dimensions into the third. And the tech behind it is still in use today in 3D movies. But its early years were a bit like a 50’s 3D B Movie – A Tale of Monstrous rivalry and experimentation.

Continue reading A Brief History of Photography By Objects – 10 – Engraving Of a Device For showing Drawings Mid 1800’s

A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 9 – A Photograph Of a British Doctor ~1871

By 1871 having your photograph taken was pretty common place. But a development published that year would lead to a major revolution in making photography easier and more practical. And that where our subject comes in. The man in the photo is Dr Richard Leach Maddox, who came up with this leap.

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A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 8 – DIY Computer project 1975

1975 was a momentous year on many levels. The war ended in Vietnam, the Suez Canal re opened, Watergate hit the headlines and Britain voted to join the EU as just a few key events. Bowie was in full major Tom mode and Jaws made folk not want to go in the water for the first time. Technology leapt forward too and it would herald in the digital camera. But that might not be in the way you think. Continue reading A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 8 – DIY Computer project 1975