Tag Archives: 1990’s

SLR for a Quid in 2024 ? – Canon EOS 500N (Rebel G/New Kiss)

I commented on Flickr as important as it for Leica to continue to launch cameras like the M6 reboot, it was hardly gonna attract the kids. That’s especially true when you can still by a decent AF SLR for the price of a takeaway pizza. Some said I was wrong those days are gone. But I stand by that comment. But even I surprised myself with the EOS 500N. A SLR for a quid in 2023 and they still sell for as little as 99p despite being rather good.

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Serious Photog on Budget – Canon EOS-1N Review

Finally got me a pro body, except it hasn’t Nippon Kogaku on the base. I have been lured to the Darkside by this Canon model that was the flagship model from ’94 until 2000. And compared to the Nikon equivalent the F5, the EOS-1N a bit of second hand bargain. But is it a worthy choice ?

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Champagne Supernova ? – The Nikon F50/N50 Review

The 90’s was a era of massive change in both society and the camera worls. Against a backdrop of Brit Pop, Canon usurped  Nikon’s lead role by the start of the decade. But  Nikon would fight back with new models. A lot of focus on is on the F90 and the F70. But alongside these notable cameras  the F50 (N50) was released aimed at the less demanding punter. Turns out it was a bit of a re-hash.

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Poundland Digitals – 1- Fujifilm DX-10

I’ve looked at picking up film cameras for peanuts before on this site. I thought I could see what I could get for a pound or less in digital cameras. The DX-10 is a 1999 early consumer model came through the door for just 99p before postage. But is this camera that once cost £250 worth a look ?

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Little Big shots – Canon EOS 1000 & 1000F review

The Canon EOS 1000 (Rebel in US) and its flash sibling are not  the mightiest of the Canon EOS 35mm SLR line up. But they are important as the first EOS cameras to be more affordable. Somewhat overlooked they still offer huge bang for literally a few bucks 30 years later.

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It’s A Canon, Jim, But Not As we Know It – The Canon EOS EF-M Review

Canon’s switch to the EF mount had let them neatly leapfrog their rivals like Nikon at the end of the 80’s. And during the 1990’s they would produce cameras that cornered both the high and lower end of the markets. The EF-M is not one of those. This probably is one of the most pointless SLR ever produced.

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The SLR that time would Rather Forget – The Nikon Pronea S Review

In the late 1990’s Nikon launched 2 new SLR cameras that they thought would be game changers. These were serious kit and offer incredible back and forward lens compatility and can still use Nikon lenses made today and from the 1970’s . But you’ll never find either of these Pronea models on a top 10 Nikon cameras list

That’s because they shoot APS film.

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It’s not a real Nikon but … – The Nikon FE10 Overview

Launched in 1996 few cameras get the goat of some ‘serious’ Nikon users as this and its sibling the FM10. The major sin is they aren’t made by Nikon.  Even wikipedia  describes both as “not a true member of the Nikon compact F-series SLRs,”.  But does that make them bad cameras ?

Of course things are not helped by that lens…

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Just pointless – The Nikon F-601m (N6000) Review

Nikon are one of the Key players in SLR design and manufacture. And I’d argue all the models they’ve produced using their F mount are useable cameras. But there are better cameras amongst the pack. The F-601M although arguably the most technologically advanced manual focus SLR Nikon ever made is not one of those.

It is perhaps the most pointless Nikon ever made

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The Raiders of the Olympus Lomo – Part 3 The Olympus Trip MD3

So my quest for the Olympus Lomo continues with another offering from the Plastic Trip series. Could this older model knock off the Trip 505 from the most Lomo like hot seat ?

Is this a lo-fi gem, a pile of junk or an actually okay camera. Grap your whip and Fedora and join us on this journey across erm…. the foot bridge.

Continue reading The Raiders of the Olympus Lomo – Part 3 The Olympus Trip MD3