Before some of you get excited this little digital is not made by Lindoff. It was sold by UK supermarket Tesco in the 2000’s as one of several cheap digital devices sold under the Technika brand. But how does the SH-340T, a basic 3.1MP stack up in 2024
Continue reading Every Little Helps- Technika SH-340T ReviewMonthly Archives: February 2024
Camp Snap v Flashback ONE35 – The lo-fi digital shoot out
Lets be honest I wasn’t impressed by the flashback ONE35 when it arrived. Much of my frustration related to the app and server stuff which for some reason seemed to have been rushed last minute. These are working better and I decided to give it a second chance but head to head with it’s key lo-fi digital rival, the Camp Snap, as well as a lo-fi film alternative.
Continue reading Camp Snap v Flashback ONE35 – The lo-fi digital shoot out2023 – The year of Giants, Trump’s arrest & My son painted this – or was it just A.I. ?
In Early September 2023 an image started to appear on Facebook, X and other social media. A tin type photograph that appeared to show an approximately 8 meter tall human in what was claimed to be Kandahar. It spread like wildfire amongst social media group focused on theories of ancient giants. Trouble is it wasn’t real. It would be joined by other AI images of Former Presidents, wars and Kids holding paintings.
Continue reading 2023 – The year of Giants, Trump’s arrest & My son painted this – or was it just A.I. ?