Back to the early 2000’s with this 3.3.MP camera. The Vivitar ViviCam 3745 was one of legion that of digicams sold under Vivitar branding and you can still buy today. Almost all the models were for the budget end and this is no exception. But is it worth a few quid today ? Oddly that might be yes if you just need a simple digicam but there are issues.
Continue reading Go Go Budget Digitals No 7- Vivitar ViviCam 3745Tag Archives: Vivitar
A VUWS with Flash ? – The Curious Tale of the Kodak KV250
So this is a review of a Kodak camera then ?
Well not quite. This was never sold by Kodak, the name here has just been licenced by Vivitar. Its actually just a Vivitar T201 Lx under the hood a camera that has a cult following. But is that deserved ?
Continue reading A VUWS with Flash ? – The Curious Tale of the Kodak KV250The Fun From Bao’an – Le Clic FS30 Review
This Year’s Poundland Challenge has flung up some excellent high end cameras for erm… a pound (or less). This is not one of them. Any Poundland Challenge always features a few from the lower end of the market. But that does that necessarily mean awful ?
Today’s plastic lo-fi comes courtesy of Concord Camera Corp. Also known as the Vivitar IC 100. It has attracted the tag of being the Poor Guy’s LC-A but is that deserved ?
Continue reading The Fun From Bao’an – Le Clic FS30 ReviewBudget Zoom-Off – Vivitar Mega 200 Versus Ricoh RZ-728
As the Poundland Challenge 2019 has proved again you can actually buy a lot for a quid. So why don’t we take 2 AF compacts for a walk that cost around a quid and see what you get for your buck.
Continue reading Budget Zoom-Off – Vivitar Mega 200 Versus Ricoh RZ-728Behind the Mask – Reader’s Digest PN919/Vivitar PN2011 Review
Although Vivitar in terms of plastic cameras are best known for the legendary VUWS, they produced several at the turn of the century, some of which have also got a cult following like the PN2011 (commonly seen in Reader’s Digest PN919 guise). But does this live up to its more famous sibling ?
Continue reading Behind the Mask – Reader’s Digest PN919/Vivitar PN2011 Review
7 Cult Classics To watch out for in January Auctions
With the festive period upon us, it is easy to forget that the Canny Photographer’s auction season is about to begin. Once the mince pies foils and empty port bottles head off for recycling, many folk decide now is the time to clear out stuff and the period up to Easter tends to feature a surplus of thing appearing in auctions or second hand sites while many buyers are actually of the game trying to pay off the festive overdraft Continue reading 7 Cult Classics To watch out for in January Auctions