Last year’s Yashica Y35 launch led to one of the biggest outpouring of anger the photography community has ever seen. Whilst the Y35 wasn’t as bad some the vitriol, it was far from perfect. So there was some surprise when rumours of a Yashica branded film. But they’ve now pushed it even further with the launch of a Kickstarter for 2 new films, an analogue camera and the promise of more.
But What’s the catch ?
Continue reading Yashica’s Back – And This Time It’s Analogue →
My apologies as this is way late but it has been a busy month as you’ll see. This post we’ll have a couple of trips away to discuss some new & old cameras and why I’m probably never buying Lomography 120 film ever again. But worse still it looks like the Lomography Film is now dead on the UK High Street too.
Oh and some other worthy reviews to check out and a DIY project for the darkroom bunnies.
Continue reading The Analogue Week 3 – Wet Trails, Dirty Cameras and Lomo Woes →
Launched in the 1950’s the Coronet 6-6 was yet another no frills Bakelite roll film camera, But the folks at Coronet decided to re-brand this camera as the Rex Flash. But is it King or just Flash in the pan.
Continue reading Brummie Deco – the Curious case of the Coronet REX Flash →
I’d already nailed a good SLR body with the Pentax MZ-5 for the Poundland challenge this year. But a AF SLR Nikon body also arrived for a 99p plus postage. So how does the F65 fare ? and how does it compare to other bodies.
Continue reading OPPS I DID IT AGAIN ! – Poundland Challenge 2019 – The Nikon F65/N65 Review →
When Cosina launched the the CX-1 & CX-2, little did they know they would become more famous as the cameras that inspired the Lomo LC-A. But that spark was not limited to the (in)famous Russian copy. Several other makes produced similar designs and here’s Hanimex’s take.
We’ve trod this ground before with the Halina 35 Micro (aka the Hong Kong Lomo) which was disappointing due to lack of focus, exposure control and any over-riding of an overly sensitive auto flash. The Hanimex instantly won me over as it resolves all 3 of those. But is it any good and is it a lomo rival ?
Continue reading The Aussie Lomo ? – Hanimex 35 Micro Flash →
When the Yashica Y35 arrived last year it got a bit of a pounding. Much of that was to do with overvalued expectations about this retro styled digital shooter. It’s essentially a lo-fi beast that has does do a slow film style shooting well. It has imitations mainly the hefty current price tag and limited optics. But often it’s compared to much more technically able digitals. So how does it if fare against another retro inspired but analogue lo-fi favourite the Halina 1000.
Continue reading Lo-Fi Stand Off – The Halina 1000 v The Yashica Y35 →
Shooting Film on the cheap on the Border in Credit Crunch Britain