Tag Archives: 2020's

A Wee half to forget – Hayamou Half Frame Disposable Review

Turns out the Ilford Ilfocolor Rapid Half Frame disposable has some opposition. Meet the Hayamou Half-Frame Disposable. At the time the cheapest half frame on the market and possibly the easiest disposable I’ve ever had for reloading. But optically things are not so great

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One Roll in One Piece – Escura Snaps 35 Half

The Escura Snaps 35 Half is Escura’s half frame modified version of their Dubblefilm Show clone the Escura Snaps 35 camera. Mine arrived from Hong Kong decorated with Chibi of One Piece. That’s the manga series that has recently been launched as alive action series on Netflix. Whilst other designs are available are they all Pirates ahoy or sunk at sea ?

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Retro Chic Lo-Fi – Escura Snaps 35 Review

Escura are a name that have kicked around for a while. This HK & Thai based company are best known for their Kickstarters. A retro instax and the Hasselback – the long delayed Instax back. But they make other cameras and faster that you can say Dubblefilm Show clone, I ordered the Escura Snaps 35, a delightfully shabby chic styled erm….. Dubblefilm clone.

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Is this Noname 16MP Vlogging HD Camera the worst Camera in the world ?

What makes a bad camera ?

Is it image quality ? Or build ut what is one man’s nightmare lump of plastic turns into someone’s lo-fi dream. Likewise scameras like the color optical lens camera have their fans. but…

In 2020 at the start of Lockdown, in a bored moment I ordered what I thought then was the worst camera in the world from Wish. It was scammy & cr&p from build to image quality. But turns out I was mistaken.

This is much worse.

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Second Half – The Agfaphoto Half Frame Film Camera Review

When Reto launched the Kodak Ektar H35 last year, they must have thought they’d carved out a niche. There was quite buzz for the new half-frame. But with Alfie Tych launched on Kickstarter it looked like there was some momentum behind the recurrence of a historic format. And now Agfaphoto has entered the frame with a tweaked version of their Dubblefilm Show Clone shooting half frame.

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Half Full or Half Empty ? – Kodak Ektar H35 Review

2022 felt like Reto’s year. The plucky HK based disrupters had garnered huge praise for their relaunch of the VUWS. But then the pulled a blindside we never expected. Half frame and in Kodak clothes. The Kodak Ektar H35.

And in the summer of ’22 the web lost it’s sh*t for this camera with vlogs and blogs a plenty. But does it really live up to hype ?

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The Lone Star – The Urban Outfitters VF201 Review

We live in an era of film resurgence. With new models appearing it seems every month from Revo’s Plastic Shooters to Nons’s Instax SLRs. But guess what for a few years a major fashion retailer has been selling a new Autofocus 35mm compact for the measly sum of $28USD.

Except that’s not quite true. Someone is telling Porkies about the VF201.

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The Other VUWS – The Jelly Lens UWS Camera – 1 Roll Review

Credit to to Reto, they successfully brought the VUWS back with very successful launch of the Reto UWS. But turns out that wasn’t the only VUWS clone out there. In fact the Jelly lens Camera comes straight from the same factory. It’s a bit cheaper but is it any good ?

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