Tag Archives: Flash

Weak Beer – Flashback ONE35 Review

Flashback’s finally arrived ONE35, is aiming for folk wanting a Lo-Fi digital with a film vibe. But it’s quirky features may end up grating and cause issues down the line, as are the rushed to release issues. Is this a flash back in the lo-fi digital fight or a mere flash in the pan ? Let’s go the pub and decide on this Aussie number.

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Is this the cheapest New film camera in the UK ? – CYLO 35mm Reuseable

Out doing a bit of festive shopping yesterday in the retail heaven/hell*(*delete as you feel) that is TK Maxx. When I spotted near the checkout a camera for just £12.99. Let’s meet the Cylo 35mm although Oddly I feel I’ve met it before.

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Retro Chic Lo-Fi – Escura Snaps 35 Review

Escura are a name that have kicked around for a while. This HK & Thai based company are best known for their Kickstarters. A retro instax and the Hasselback – the long delayed Instax back. But they make other cameras and faster that you can say Dubblefilm Show clone, I ordered the Escura Snaps 35, a delightfully shabby chic styled erm….. Dubblefilm clone.

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Half pint class with a Glass – Kodak Ektar H35N

Another month another premium Half-Frame. Reto are back with a updated version of arguably the most talked about film camera of 2022. But does the Ektar H35N live up to the hype of it Predecessor ? Nope – it smashes it . Arguably the best Plastic fantastic both half or full frame in years. So I decided to take it to Helsinki.

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The Roland Garros Edition Lo-Fi – The Lomography LomoApparat Review

A decade ago Lomography was the king of Lo-Fi. But the market in the 2020’s has seen a resurgence of plastic fantastic. And it’s against the new pretenders that the LomoApparat is aiming.

So how about a deluxe feature loaded plastic fantastic to strike back ?But is Lo-Flying brilliance or a over priced pretender ?

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Half Full or Half Empty ? – Kodak Ektar H35 Review

2022 felt like Reto’s year. The plucky HK based disrupters had garnered huge praise for their relaunch of the VUWS. But then the pulled a blindside we never expected. Half frame and in Kodak clothes. The Kodak Ektar H35.

And in the summer of ’22 the web lost it’s sh*t for this camera with vlogs and blogs a plenty. But does it really live up to hype ?

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The Lone Star – The Urban Outfitters VF201 Review

We live in an era of film resurgence. With new models appearing it seems every month from Revo’s Plastic Shooters to Nons’s Instax SLRs. But guess what for a few years a major fashion retailer has been selling a new Autofocus 35mm compact for the measly sum of $28USD.

Except that’s not quite true. Someone is telling Porkies about the VF201.

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The Eco Warrior- The Lensfayre Snap LF-35M Review

Right at the end of COP 26 Summit, the launch of the Lensfayre Snap LF-35M might at first appear to be a bit late to the party. The plastic simple camera market has mushroomed since the launch of the Kodak M35 and the Dubblefilm Show. But unlike its rivals this isn’t a mere clone and bring some serious Eco cred to the market place.

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