So I’ve been playing around with the new Yashica MF-1 “art” camera for a few days and have started to get a grasp of this plastic 35mm fixed everything camera. But is it indeed a tweaked single use camera as many speculate and more importantly is it any good ?
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Houston We Have a Problem – The New Yashica MF-1 – First Thoughts
How bad could it be ? I mean the Y35 wasn’t that awful….
When the new start up version of Yashica launched the Y35 Digi-film camera, the knives were rapidly out before it even launched and many thought it would be sayonara once more.
But they came back promising both film and film cameras and this morning a package arrived from Hong Kong containing both. I’m rapidly wishing they hadn’t come back on the basis of the camera…
Continue reading Houston We Have a Problem – The New Yashica MF-1 – First ThoughtsYashica’s Back – And This Time It’s Analogue
Last year’s Yashica Y35 launch led to one of the biggest outpouring of anger the photography community has ever seen. Whilst the Y35 wasn’t as bad some the vitriol, it was far from perfect. So there was some surprise when rumours of a Yashica branded film. But they’ve now pushed it even further with the launch of a Kickstarter for 2 new films, an analogue camera and the promise of more.
But What’s the catch ?
Continue reading Yashica’s Back – And This Time It’s Analogue