The A80 oddly is described as a beginner’s camera. But it comes with a host of feature seen on more advanced compact digital of the time. It offers quite a lot of bangs for a 2003 compact. But there are some issues you really need to know about
Continue reading Go Go Budget Digital No 3 – Canon Power Shot A80Tag Archives: Digital
Go Go Budget Digital No 2 – Nikon Coolpix 5600
My run of average Joe digital cameras continues with this 2005 entry level shooter from Nikon. 2005 marks the midway point from the 2000/2001 highwater point for film to the generally accepted 2010 almost complete dominance of the camera market by digital. But what does this entry level shooter have to offer. And does a 5MP camera still cut it today ?
Continue reading Go Go Budget Digital No 2 – Nikon Coolpix 5600Retro Digital 1 – The Olympus Camedia C-120 (D-380) Revisited
We often stick the tag of crap but good to film cameras. As much as I love shooting film I’m not a total Luddite and have been known to mix it up with digital. But what do budget Digital of yesteryear work out like ?
And what better place to start is my first digital – the Olympus Camedia C-120 (aka D-380). It looks lousy compared to even a modern entry level smart phone camera with Fixed focus and the sheer luxury of 2 Mega Pixels. But why did this camera travel around the world.
Continue reading Retro Digital 1 – The Olympus Camedia C-120 (D-380) Revisited
Fallout 2018 – A year Of living with the Yashica Y35
Possibly the most controversial camera in modern times arrived through my door last year. It wasn’t great and even I’ll admit that my phone and even some entry level 2010 second hand compacts are better clinically. But a few of us reviewers felt the Yashica Y35 didn’t deserve all the hate it got.
But over 1000 shots & one year on how do I find it ?
Continue reading Fallout 2018 – A year Of living with the Yashica Y35Is The Yashica Y35 Really That Awful ? Part 2/2
In the first part of this series we’ve seen the much maligned Yashica Y35 actually prove it’s much better than proper toy cameras and even an awful £11 ‘new’ cam from eBay. But how does it fair against some genuine entry level digital cameras.
Continue reading Is The Yashica Y35 Really That Awful ? Part 2/2Is The Yashica Y35 Really That Awful ? – Part 1/2
In 2017 a Kickstarter was launched bearing the name of Yashica, The resultant camera was much maligned before it even got to market and QC issues didn’t help once it arrived. It has become much derided. But is it that awful and is it no better than a kid’s toy camera ?
Continue reading Is The Yashica Y35 Really That Awful ? – Part 1/2A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 8 – DIY Computer project 1975
1975 was a momentous year on many levels. The war ended in Vietnam, the Suez Canal re opened, Watergate hit the headlines and Britain voted to join the EU as just a few key events. Bowie was in full major Tom mode and Jaws made folk not want to go in the water for the first time. Technology leapt forward too and it would herald in the digital camera. But that might not be in the way you think. Let’s meet the Cyclops Continue reading A Brief History of Photography by Objects – 8 – DIY Computer project 1975
A brief History of Photography by Objects – 5 – Photograph of Newborn Baby 1997
This pixelated photograph from an early consumer digital camera might seem an odd inclusion. Babies have been stable subjects for photographs from the days of the Daguerreotype. By 1997 although not fully mainstream, digital cameras were starting to gain a foothold and this won’t have been the first digital photo of a baby by a long shot. But Time rightly recognised this as one of the most influential photographs ever taken. Continue reading A brief History of Photography by Objects – 5 – Photograph of Newborn Baby 1997
Did You Expect the Unexpected – A Yashica Y35 Review
Before the Kickstarter Yashica Y35 project even closed there were negative rumblings and those have intensified over this year reaching fever pitch when the camera shipped. But what did folk really expect for ~$120USD ? Are we making realistic appraisals of this camera with too high expections
Continue reading Did You Expect the Unexpected – A Yashica Y35 Review
99p SLR v bargain bucket dSLR challenge – Nikon F55 v Nikon D50
In both film and digital land there’s some bargains to be had in the second hand market. This blog like many has focused on the bargains to be had in the analogue world but few discuss older digital cameras in the same way (a notable exception being our sometimes guest writer Dan James over at his 35hunter blog). But can you make a real comparison ?
Continue reading 99p SLR v bargain bucket dSLR challenge – Nikon F55 v Nikon D50