In a Facebook group I’m in, someone asked what size of filters a Paper Shoot (PS) takes. Truth be told there’s little info on that. But in fact the current cases take a 26mm filter thread.
Continue reading Using Optical filters with a Paper ShootMonthly Archives: December 2024
Cappy Camera is canned
Last night I got an email from shopify, informing me my Cappy Camera order had been cancelled. It was no glitch. Cappy cameras is no more bringing to end a rather sorry saga in the lo-fi digital community
Continue reading Cappy Camera is cannedThe Nana Goes forth – The FilmNeverDie aka FND Nana up against rivals
The weather lifted a bit after Storm Bert and I finally got the New FND Nana camera out for a wee try. But this was no single review – it needed some opposition. Let the Nana Drama shoot out begin.
Continue reading The Nana Goes forth – The FilmNeverDie aka FND Nana up against rivalsThe Chinese Ricoh or is that Lomo ? -Fetana 35FT Review
At first glance you might be thinking this is a clone of the Ricoh FF-7 or similar. But nope this turns out to be a very quirky basic shooter but with some quirks. Meet the fairly unique plastic fantastic, the Fetana 35FT
Continue reading The Chinese Ricoh or is that Lomo ? -Fetana 35FT Review