If Kickstarter in 2018 kept us hanging on high end gear like the Reflex SLR, then 2019 has turned out to be decidedly more lo-fi. Hot on the heals of the Meh ! Yashica MF-1, arrived my Reto3D camera. It promises 3D photos via the wiggle technique. But is it more Lo-fi dross or does it add something to the world of film based 3D photography. And why bother ?
Continue reading New Adventures in the Third Dimension- Reto3D ReviewTag Archives: RETO3D
August KickStarter Madness – First Thoughts on RETO3D And More
This week has been like Christmas for a film shooter & Kickstarter addict like myself. Just before the weekend the Yashica MF-1 arrived and on Monday the postie left 2 new packages for me. First up the RETO3D 3D film cameras, a 21st Century take on the Nimslo. The second box was a slightly late Ars Imago Lab Box.
Continue reading August KickStarter Madness – First Thoughts on RETO3D And More