Tag Archives: Lomography

Top 10 Plastic-fantastic Cameras

If you like lo-fi photography or want to give it a go at some point you’ll end up with the desire for a plastic lensed beauty. Here’s a list of ten of the best both available new or widely available second hand.

Glasgow Botanics, 2015. Superheadz Wide and Slim (aka VUWS) with Agfaphoto Vista Plus 400

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Summer Shootout Redux 2015 – 3 Lomography Classics go head to head

It’s that time of year again and we went off to Skegness to Butlins. We also headed onto the Gem of the Yorkshire Coast, Whitby and like last year some film cameras came along for the ride.

3 Lomography Class cameras went to Whitby
Lomo LC-A, Superheadz Wide & Slim (VUWS clone) and Olympus XA2

Size and space was important so everything was pretty compact. Last year’s Olympus XA2 was joined by a Lomo LC-A and the poor man’s Lomo, a Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim (VUWS) clone. But what worked well and did the Olympus redeem itself ?

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How do you define Lomo & Lomography ?

The terms Lomo and Lomography get banded around and are used interchangeably and mean different things to different people. I’ve had to think about this more recently as I’ve taken over moderating Lomography for non-snobs group on Flickr and have had to make decisions about what is a Lomography shot or not.

Live wire
Taken on a Lomo LC-A using Cross processed Lomography Xpro 200. But is it a Lomo shot ?

Continue reading How do you define Lomo & Lomography ?

Diana F+ Review : Or How I Learned to love the Plastic bomb

Diana F+ Edelweiss Variant
Diana F+ Edelweiss Variant (note plastic chuck on left for wedging shutter open in bulb

Lomography’s plastic classic left me strangely disappointed when it arrived. I’d been impressed by its little brother, the Diana Mini, but this seemed a shoddier affair and worryingly idiosyncratic. However a few rolls later and I’m warming to it. Continue reading Diana F+ Review : Or How I Learned to love the Plastic bomb