Tag Archives: Discussion

The Last Film SLR the Nikon F6 Is Gone. Long Live the Film SLR

The Nikon F6, their flagship 35mm SLR is no more. Ending months of speculation about the future of arguably the most advanced SLR ever made and the last Nikon film camera. But whilst some have claimed this is the end of 35mm SLR era, it is far from that.

Continue reading The Last Film SLR the Nikon F6 Is Gone. Long Live the Film SLR

How do you define Lomo & Lomography ?

The terms Lomo and Lomography get banded around and are used interchangeably and mean different things to different people. I’ve had to think about this more recently as I’ve taken over moderating Lomography for non-snobs group on Flickr and have had to make decisions about what is a Lomography shot or not.

Live wire
Taken on a Lomo LC-A using Cross processed Lomography Xpro 200. But is it a Lomo shot ?

Continue reading How do you define Lomo & Lomography ?

Flickr Explore – Randomness, whoring & Likes – Discuss

Flickr Explore, what’s it all about ?

Let’s be clear from the outset, I don’t take pictures for other people (out with family snaps etc.). I’m not really intending to foist my images on the world and bask in admiration. I know I’m no Ansel Adams or David Bailey. I’m no artist, I’m a film shooting geek who likes the tech and part of that is getting a good image. And whilst I do like most folk enjoy feedback, I’m find the obsession to someĀ around Explore a bit odd. Continue reading Flickr Explore – Randomness, whoring & Likes – Discuss