Ah ! Christmas is almost upon us. With Black Friday arriving tomorrow what to get your film photog family and friends. Well here is my list of 12 cameras that won’t break the budget and will add some lo-fi analogue sparkle to your loved ones festive shooting.
Continue reading The 12 Lo-Fi Cameras of ChristmasTag Archives: Agfaphoto
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Agfaphoto APX100 – Canny B&W or not ?
Purveyors of cheap film Lupus Imaging probably best know for Poundland’s finest Agfaphoto Vista Plus 200 colour negative film but the company also sell APX true B&W film which is argueably the cheapest pre rolled B&W film available in the UK
How does this perform and for the budget shooter does it make cost sense given B&W D&P costs ? Continue reading Agfaphoto APX100 – Canny B&W or not ?
Budget Film – Rumours, Fears and Cheap Deals December 2015
As the year drags out the regular ‘Poundland’s Running Out of Agfaphoto !!!’ panic starts to kick in. I have been guilty myself of triggering this just when I was waking up from Hogmanay last year.
Usually these concerns are triggered by stock running low. Xmas lulls probably relate to Poundland Christmas sale strategies but there may be more at play here Continue reading Budget Film – Rumours, Fears and Cheap Deals December 2015
Agfa La Vista 200 Baby : The Poundland film Review 1
Film for a quid ?
Nope I kid you not and it’s actually pretty good. Getting film on the UK high street was becoming a bit tricky when all of a sudden Poundland of all folk pull a blinder and sell film. Continue reading Agfa La Vista 200 Baby : The Poundland film Review 1