Tag Archives: Scale Focus

Scale Focus is a common type of guess focus for camera. The camera user sets the focus by adjusting focus ring to the guessed distance

Agfa Isoly I Review : The camera that launched a 1000 clones

Agfa Isoly I
Later Agfa Isoly I

The Agfa Isoly is perhaps one of the most influencial basic 120 point and shooters there has ever been, setting the scene for the Diana cameras and their more recent re-birth with LSI’s Diana F+. But how does this classic stack up ? Continue reading Agfa Isoly I Review : The camera that launched a 1000 clones

A fond farewell ? : Boots Pacemaker 35 / Franka 125 Review

Sadly last week my Boots Pacemaker 35 died. This basic camera  is actually a re branded Franka 125 made by the long gone West Germany company in the 1960’s. But was it retro fun or rightly dated ?

Boots Pacemaker 35
The lamented Boots Pacemaker 35 (aka Franka 125)

Continue reading A fond farewell ? : Boots Pacemaker 35 / Franka 125 Review

Smena 8m Review : Good clean plastic Fun

smena 8M
Smena 8M 35mm Camera (late 3rd Series)

This little plastic corker was one of the best selling classic soviet Cameras of all time. But why does a plasticky unmetered camera with 1950’s mechanics still deserve a loyal following. The answer is its simplicity and its killer lens. Continue reading Smena 8m Review : Good clean plastic Fun

The Fujica 35 Automagic Review : Futuristic 50’s Automagic

Fujica 35 Automagic
Fujica 35 Automagic 50’s 35mm P&S camera

This 50’s rarity is arguable one of the first metered 35mm point and shooters (P&S)  on the market and whilst basic and bulky had much in the ways of the compact P&S like the Olympus Trip 35 that followed it a decade plus later. And you know something, it still works and takes pretty good shots. Continue reading The Fujica 35 Automagic Review : Futuristic 50’s Automagic

Halina 3000 Review : Stylish re-invention or outdated Junk

The Halina 3000 and it’s unmetered siblings the 1000 and 2000 have the gorgeous retro  silver and black look that is so en vogue at the moment in modern camera styling. Oddly their underpinnings are actually more 60’s rather than 70’s when they were sold. But is it any good ? Continue reading Halina 3000 Review : Stylish re-invention or outdated Junk

FED 50 Review: The shape of things that might have been

FED 50
FED 50

This gorgeously bonkers 35mm  compact hails from 1980’s Soviet union but looks like a mix of 60’s & 70’s with its bling gold styling and Olympus Trip-esque selenium meter array. A relative rarity in the west it does make for quite an interesting & useful choice for a point and shooter. Continue reading FED 50 Review: The shape of things that might have been

Bencini Koroll 24s Review : The canny man’s vintage 120 film camera

Bencini Koroll 24S
This quite gorgeous lump of Aluminium hails from 50’s Italy. It’s a pretty basic 120 film camera from the era but has a couple of trump cards to play.  It’s first trick is that it’s a half frame (3×4.5cm) camera allowing you to take a whooping 24 shots on a roll of 120 film. Continue reading Bencini Koroll 24s Review : The canny man’s vintage 120 film camera