Tag Archives: Boots

Hometown Glory ? Processing on the British High Street in 2022

Most of you reading this will either process your own and/or use your favourite lab. If you live in a bigger city you maybe lucky and have a choice of local labs. But for folks in smaller towns, there’s a good chance you won’t have a lab on your doorstep. That said even in small towns you can drop off films at 2 high street stalwarts – Boots and Timpson (aka Cewe & Max Spielmann respectively)

But are they any good ? Well lets just say it isn’t exactly perfect.

Continue reading Hometown Glory ? Processing on the British High Street in 2022

A fond farewell ? : Boots Pacemaker 35 / Franka 125 Review

Sadly last week my Boots Pacemaker 35 died. This basic camera  is actually a re branded Franka 125 made by the long gone West Germany company in the 1960’s. But was it retro fun or rightly dated ?

Boots Pacemaker 35
The lamented Boots Pacemaker 35 (aka Franka 125)

Continue reading A fond farewell ? : Boots Pacemaker 35 / Franka 125 Review