Car boots are often is bit hit and miss for the cheap camera hunter. I’ve scored some great wee finds over the years from my £3 XA, a K1000 for a £5 that I sold on to my mint £2 Espio 120SW. But at times you find nothing but the odd instamatic and true tat. The bank holiday weekend on in Dumfries however flung up a grubby mju zoom 105(aka ∞ Stylus Zoom 105) for two quid that literally worked for one roll and then died.
Was it £2 quid well spent despite this ?
Continue reading A Quick Dirty Booty Call – The Olympus Mju Zoom 105 Review →
Oh dear ! I had a lot of hope when I started out to test this camera but 3 dud ones later I’m not sure. The mju-I (aka mju, µ[mju] or ∞stylus) was the camera that launched the mju series and would lead to the much sought after mju II (aka Stylus Epic) -one of those prestige fixed focal length compacts that change hands for lots of Dosh. Some feel the much cheaper mju-I is just as good but as we’ll see things didn’t work out for me… Continue reading Prestige and the Duds – The Olympus mju-I nearly reviewed →
Shooting Film on the cheap on the Border in Credit Crunch Britain